Comedogenicity of Skincare Products: Things You Need to Know

The word “comedogenicity” may sound weird but it stands for a situation that many people know really well. In short, comedogenicity is the ability of a skincare product to block the pores of the skin. It isn’t hard to guess that this quality of a product doesn’t have a positive effect on the complexion because it leads to whiteheads, blackheads and acne lesions.

Even though many skincare products contain quite a number of ingredients showing high comedogenicity action, it’s better to know more about this issue before saying that a particular product will clog your pores. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the comedogenic ingredients.

Comedogenicity of Skincare Products: Things You Need to Know

1. Skin type influences the comedogenicity

Simply, this means that oily and combination skin are more prone to have their pores clogged by any skincare product than rest skin types. Obviously, there are some ingredients that are comedogenic no matter the skin type they are applied to. Such substances are heavy, thus block the outlet of the skin pore easily.

2. The concentration of comedogenic ingredient matters

If a skincare product contains a comedogenic ingredient but when it appears at the end of INCI, this means that there are just trace amounts of it used, thus its presence doesn’t have any noticeable impact on the skin. Such cream isn’t comedogenic, therefore don’t put it back onto its shelf just because you read that it’s formulated with, for example, coconut oil.

3. Some ingredients lessen the comedogenicity of others

That’s important, especially if you’re a person who analyzes INCI. It turns out that there are some ingredients used widely in skincare products that have an exfoliating effect on the skin (e.g. vitamin C, retinol). Therefore, if a particular product has them, this means that its comedogenicity rate decreases so the chance of getting you a clogged complexion reduces too. If your favourite cream is formulated with comedogenic ingredients, yet its composition seems to be natural so you would rather keep using it, start applying a vitamin C or retinol face serum and once a day wipe your face with a toner containing some exfoliating acids. Your skin will be saved!

4. Good makeup removal unclogs the pores of the skin

This means that you can have clear skin even if the skincare and makeup products (sadly many color cosmetics are highly comedogenic) you use tend to clog your skin pores. All you have to do is remove makeup thoroughly every evening. And don’t you dare go to bed wearing makeup!

5. Face scrub is the key to unclogged pores

If you notice your skin being prone to clogged pores, you must buy a good facial scrub. The best results are given by an enzymatic peel mainly because it doesn’t cause irritations. Neither does it spread bacteria mixed with sebum all over your face. Facial peel is one of these marvelous products that cleanses skin deeply and unclogs the outlets of oily glands.

6. Lightweight creams aren’t any worse

Many people think that a lightweight cream doesn’t offer as many nourishing substances as the heavy ones. This is how they often reach for products that don’t necessarily work for their skin type. It should be realized that even a lightweight nourishing and moisturizing cream is perfectly able to take good care of skin and protect it from the adverse effects of many external aggressors.

There is an exception, of course, when you’re going skiing and when you spend long hours outside when the temperature is low and the weather is freezing. A high exposure to the sun’s rays is risky therefore you should keep your skin protected using SPFs – this is how UVA/UVB won’t do you harm. On other occasions, you can reach for more lightweight creams.

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